It’s really hot lately with the summer sun in Oakland (and also the wildfires) so I decided to try a super delectable recipe from East Meets Vegan, one of the most recent cookbooks I bought.
I have to admit, it’s also one of the more challenging cookbooks I’ve bought. Maybe it’s because Sasha Gill lived abroad, but a lot of the ingredients have been a lot harder to find – like pandan essence and pandan leaves. I’ve definitely used a lot of Indian spices and ingredients in previous recipes but this book definitely took me back to the Asian grocery!
Anyway, this recipe is fairly easy. All you need are the following ingredients:
one cup of coconut milk
1/2 cup of white sugar, but you can definitely get away with less
1/2 cup of plant milk (I used almond milk)
1/2 cup of cashews
2 teaspoons of cornstarch
1/4 cup ground pistachios – chopped
ground cardamom
almond extract
& slivered almonds as an optional garnish (I left this out, but it would be great to serve multiple people at a time.)
From Sasha Gill’s East Meets West
Make sure also to have popsicle molds for this recipe for ease. I got mine from Target, although I will say it’s hard to remove the popsicles from the molds so I won’t necessarily recommend it over others.
Cracking my own pistachios.
Isn’t this little French jam jar cute?
The recipe starts cooking with coconut milk and sugar in a saucepan. At the same time, you blend together cashews, plant milk, cornstarch, cardamom, salt and almond extract in the blender. You then add the blended concoction into the saucepan. The mixture will then thicken and you’ll want to leave it for 10 to 20 minutes. After that, you just stir the pistachios and turmeric into it. I sprinkled a little more turmeric than just a pinch, so the popsicles ended up being a lot more yellow, though still a lovely color!
Sasha’s version was a lot more green so I have to wonder if maybe she used a little food coloring, or perhaps it transferred better from the cardamom.
Super photogenic! Snapshot from Sasha’s book.
And voila, the end result!
Sasha recommends to refrigerate for at least four hours, or overnight. I would definitely recommend overnight, as the popsicle will come out in a better form.
Sasha also explains that to serve the popsicles, you’ll want to dip the molds in warm water for about 30 seconds. I’m really glad she added this tip as otherwise I would have been really lost and would have probably pulled the sticks right out of the mold!

And these tasted absolutely amazing! I will admit that not all of Sasha’s recipes have landed, perhaps because I made mistakes in preparation or overcooked them, but all of her sweet treats have been amazing.
I’ll need to take these over to some friends in San Francisco though I’ll have to think of a smart way to transport them! Icebox? Hopefully they don’t melt over the bridge.
Till next time!
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